
Healthcare Cleaning Services

British Cleaning Solutions has extensive experience working with various healthcare establishments, including cosmetic and medical centres, clinics, hospitals, doctor surgeries, dental surgeries, and rehabilitation units. Our commitment to providing a safe and reliable service to healthcare clients is evident in our range of specialist healthcare cleaning services, surpassing the standards set out by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Thorough and proper daily cleaning is paramount for maintaining strict hygiene standards and preventing cross-contamination in medical premises. Our staff is extensively trained, utilising colour-coded equipment and materials, with a focus on correct storage and disposal procedures. Continuously staying updated on the latest cleaning technology and newly developed chemicals ensures that we can offer the best possible service to our healthcare clients.

Included in our comprehensive healthcare cleaning services are daily cleaning for healthcare and medical premises (including GP & dental surgeries, health clinics, and veterinary surgeries), janitorial supplies, and consumable provision. We work diligently to meet and exceed CQC standards in hygiene, providing additional services such as kitchen deep cleans and kitchen extraction cleans for hospital canteens, hard floor maintenance and cleaning (including stripping & resealing, buffing), carpet cleaning & upholstery deep cleaning, and annual, bi-annual, and quarterly escalator deep cleans in hospitals.